
Vikings Player Registration 2024-2025

Vikings Registration Form 2024

Vikings Hockey Club Member Registration Form - 2024

This form consists of 9 steps of which 4 are optional.

The information in this form enables the club to keep up to date contact and medical information regarding club members that can be used in cases of emergency.

Please ensure that all information is accurate and up to date.

Thanks 🙂

Member - General Information





Member - Additional Information


Medical Information & Consent


This section to be completed by PARENT or GUARDIAN if under 18.

In case of emergency and as part of the clubs responsibility to its membership, ALL club members are required to complete this medical information form as accurately as possible.
Details will be held securely with access restricted to authorised club officers only.





Medical Declaration

I consider myself (my son/daughter)* to be physically fit and capable of full participation and agree to notify the club of any changes to the medical information provided.

Furthermore, in the event that I am injured I give my permission (for my son/daughter)* for the team managers/coaches appointed by VIKINGS HOCKEY CLUB to obtain emergency medical treatment on my behalf.


Member - Qualifications



This section to be completed by PARENT or GUARDIAN for under 18 players.

It is a requirement of club policy that parental consent is provided for participation, transportation and photography. 


I consent to my son/daughter travelling to venues for matches and training by transport provided by the club which may include travelling in other players private cars.




In some environments, particularly adult competition it is impossible to control photography by external parties, however, I am aware that there maybe times that photographs and/or footage maybe taken during matches and training sessions by approved agents and/or officers of VIKINGS HOCKEY CLUB.

Such images shall only be used for publicity/training purposes in accordance with VIKINGS HOCKEY CLUB’S Safeguarding and Protecting Young People in Hockey Policy and Photography Policy and give consent for my son/ daughter to feature in such photos/ images.

I hereby only grant approved agents the right to use the images resulting from the photo/film shoots. This includes any reproductions or adaptations of the images for all general purposes ie local newspapers, local magazines, other promotional articles (inc. flyers) and the club’s website.



Whilst it is not compulsory for the following sections to be completed, the paragraph below explains why this personal information is considered to be important.


Sport can and does play a major role in promoting the inclusion of all groups in society. 
However, inequalities have existed within sport particularly in relation to gender, race and disability. 

Sport England and England Hockey are committed to promoting and developing sports equity, which is about fairness in sport, equality of access, recognising inequalities and taking steps to address them. 

By monitoring the profile of people in sports clubs, national governing bodies of sport and Sport England can identify any issues relating to under representation of different groups and can develop strategies to ensure that all people have the opportunity in the future to develop and progress in sport.

England Hockey requests this data from clubs as part of the annual affiliation process and completing this data accurately enables the club to give an accurate picture to England Hockey on our membership.





Vikings Hockey Club (“VHC”) embraces its members’ passion to win and the competitive nature associated with team sports. However VHC does not endorse winning at any cost – Fair Play and respect for everyone associated with the game is at the heart of the Club’s values.

Obligations towards the game – a player should :

  • Make every effort to develop their own sporting abilities, in terms of skill, technique, tactics and stamina.

  • Give maximum effort and strive for the best possible performance during a game.

  • Set a positive example for others, particularly young players and supporters.

  • Always have regard for the best interests of the game, including where publicly expressing an opinion on the game and any particular aspect of it, including others involved in the game.

  • Not use inappropriate language.

Obligations towards one’s own team – a player should :

  • Make every effort consistent with Fair Play and the Laws of the Game to help the team win.

  • Resist any influence which might, or might be seen to, bring into question their commitment to the team winning.

Respect for the Laws of the Game and competition rules – a player should :

  • Know and abide by the Laws, rules and spirit of the game, and the competition rules.

  • Accept success and failure, victory and defeat, graciously.

  • Resist any temptation to take banned substances or use banned techniques and equipment.

Respect towards Opponents – a player should :

  • Treat opponents with due respect at all times, irrespective of the result of the game.

  • Safeguard the physical fitness of opponents, avoid violence and rough play, and help injured opponents.

Respect towards the Match Officials – a player should :

  • Treat Match Officials with respect at all times.

  • Accept the decision of the Match Official(s) without protest.

  • Avoid words or actions which may mislead a Match Official.

Respect towards Club Officials – a player should :

  • Abide by the instructions of VHC’s Officials, provided they do not contradict the spirit of this Code.

  • Show due respect towards the Club Officials of the opposition.

Obligations towards Vikings Hockey Club – a player should :

  • Keep to agreed timings for training and games or inform their coach, manager or captain if they are going to be late, by phone call or text.

  • Pay any subscription fees promptly.

  • Respect the decision of the selection committee, manager, captain and coach. If a player would like to question a decision they must follow the correct procedure which is to speak to their manager or coach and if that is not acceptable to the Club Chairperson.

  • Ascertain the details for games from VHC’s website and confirm their availability promptly.

  • Be courteous at all times towards Club members, officials, parents, supporters and friends.

  • Not undertake any activities which would bring the Club into disrepute.

  • Abide by this Code when selected for Isle of Man or regional hockey squads.

Persons in breach of the Code of Conduct may be brought before the Club’s Disciplinary Committee.

Code of Conduct

I have / my child has read and understood the Vikings Hockey Club Code of Conduct and agree to abide by it all times.



If you require any new kit, please complete the size required below.


DATA PROTECTION (to be completed by Parent or Guardian if U18)

To comply with the new Data Protection laws which were introduced in May 2018, we have to inform you of what data we hold for you (and your child) and what we use the information for.  The information we hold is the information on this application form.

We use this information to:

  • Send emails with Club information 

  • Follow up any membership queries

  • Contact you with regards to availability for fixtures

  • Competition information

  • Emergency situations

This information is held by the Club Secretary and available to members of the committee, coaches and captains.  Some of your data is placed on England Hockey GMS (Game management system).  Other than England Hockey GMS, your data is NOT shared with anyone else outside the club.

If you do NOT consent to Vikings Hockey Club holding information about you, we will delete all data immediately.

Please note this will result in us being unable to contact you in relation to Club information and future fixtures.



I hereby consent to Vikings Hockey Club holding and processing the said person’s personal data for the purposes detailed above: