Recap Mixed Division 3 2024-2025 KWC Isle of ManCastletown, Isle of Man IM9 1TB 14 September 202412:35 Castletown CosneyHarlequins Mixed Colts 5 - 1 Final Score Cards 0 Green cards 0 0 Yellow Cards 0 0 Red cards 0 ResultsTeamHalf Time ScoreFinal ScoreOutcomeC'town Cosney—5WinQuins Colts—1Loss Venue KWC Isle of Man Castletown, Isle of Man IM9 1TB Past Meetings Mixed Division 3 2023-2024 21 October 202311:05 Harlequins Mixed ColtsCastletown Cosney 1 - 3 Final Score NSC Isle of Man Mixed Division 3 2023-2024 16 September 202311:05 Castletown CosneyHarlequins Mixed Colts 4 - 5 Final Score QE2 Isle of Man IOM Rossborough Mixed Division 3 2022-2023 26 November 202215:00 Castletown CosneyHarlequins Mixed Colts 1 - 1 Final Score CRHS Isle of Man IOM Rossborough Mixed Division 3 2022-2023 17 September 202215:00 Castletown CosneyHarlequins Mixed Colts 4 - 2 Final Score QE2 Isle of Man