Recap IOM Rossborough Mens Premier 2022-2023 NSC Isle of ManNew Castletown Road, Douglas, Isle of Man. IM2 1RB 25 March 202315:00 Bacchanalians Mens AVikings Mens A 8 - 2 Final Score Dominic Hubble - 1John Verrall - 1 Cards 0 Green cards 0 0 Yellow Cards 0 0 Red cards 0 ResultsTeamFinal ScoreOutcomeBacchas A8WinMens A2Loss Venue NSC Isle of Man New Castletown Road, Douglas, Isle of Man. IM2 1RB Past Meetings IOM Rossborough Mens Premier 2022-2023 4 February 202315:00 Vikings Mens ABacchanalians Mens A 0 - 1 Final Score NSC Isle of Man