‘Hoc-a-Tots’ at Vikings Hockey Club
During the last year Vikings hockey club have been able to set up and start running Hoc-a-tots as a new club initiative.
Working with our sponsors Canaccord Genuity whose sponsorship has helped the initial outlay of small goals, larger lighter balls and playing shirts.
This has helped create an environment to allow the children have fun, experience lots of success while boosting their confidence, and ensure a positive experience of physical activity and sport that will have a beneficial effect in the rest of their life. Fundamentals, core concepts and motor skills are delivered by our coaches, and they focus on teaching the basics in an age-appropriate manner and building a solid foundation for growth in youth sports.
Island representatives and level two coaching couple of Zoe and Neil Crowe produced the idea when their own young children were wanting to get involved in hockey at 3 and 5 with no age group available for them to join in with, so they now run two sets of ten weeks training either side of Christmas with 25 children taking part each week.
As a club it’s been fully supported as it’s a great way to create a clear pathway to build more teams at under 10s and u12 levels and so on in the future. It has also given opportunity for more young leaders and coaches to get involved with the club and raise confidence while doing so.
Manx hockey hope to help other clubs develop this into their club set up over the next few years, Lyndsey Beynon is the Manx hockey development officer who will be taking this objective forward as well as a lot of other exciting opportunities in the near future.
Pictured Zoe & Neil Crowe, Jan Carney and Canaccord Genuity’s Tom Richards Head of Wealth Management.